2024 North Channel Cruise
This year's North Channel Cruise will be: July 27 - August 10, 2024. Sign ups will begin on or around March 17, 2024. Please NOTE that there is a registration fee this year. (USD $30/boat)
2024 Tentative Float Plan 2024 Registered Boats
2024 North Channel Cruise Registration and Payment Form
Please review the following before signing up.
Keep in mind that we generally have a limit (discretion of the cruise directors) as to number of boats we can handle on the cruise. If you sign up, please show up. Payment will be required at signup and no refunds will be issued for cancellations after June 27.
If your plans must change, please email the cruise leaders as soon as possible and let them know so someone else can have your spot.
If you intend to be in the North Channel anyway but have no real intention of staying with the group or participating in group activities, don't sign up. (but you are welcome to visit us and socialize)
If you have special circumstances (such as arriving or departing early or late), please note that on the sign-ups.
We plan to go west for the first week and return during the second week, so unless you can attend both weeks, it will be difficult to join the group.
Past trailer sailor group members who currently sail larger craft and would still like to be part of the group are welcome to sign up but check the applicable note on the sign up form. In the case of too many boats, the larger boats will be expected to anchor further out in smaller anchorages.
If you are new to these cruises, please read ALL of the articles on our Resources page. If you are used to staying in a marina every night, this cruise is different. You may need to brush up your anchoring skills, and you may want to purchase some additional equipment.
Past events